Open City PortalOpenCity Portal

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Step 2. Organization for Information Management

In order to ensure all the units within the municipal government to systematically manage information flows and provide content to the Portal, organizational structure, such as chief information officer (CIO) and e-Government Taskforce should be created. Also, "guidelines for information management" should be developed to clearly define the roles and responsibility of CIO, Taskforce and all the municipal offices concerning information management. In this action learning, you may create an outline of the guidelines for information management.--- update
SubStep 2-1. Role of the CIO
CIO is the coordinator of all the governmental information management policy and implemetation. You should describe the roles and responsibilities of the CIO. To whom he should report? What are the concrete example of his tasks? How to ensure all other governmental units comply with the CIO's instructions on information management?

If the CIO has not yet appointed in your municipality, you can describe the desirable charactor of the CIO.---update

SubStep 2-2. Role of the Taskforce
The Information Management Taskforce is a advisory council to discuss and advice on the information management policies of the municipal government. You will define how the taskforce members are selected, what are their major responsibility? ---update
SubStep 2-3. Planning for Information Demand Survey
Taskforce will conduct an Information Demand Survey to identify what kind of information do citizens demand. You are requested to design the survey: what kind of segments of citizens should be targeted by the survey? What are the scope of the survey? How the survey should be conducted?---update
SubStep 2-4. Prioritization of the Content development
Content for the Portal should be developed according to a time-bound programme based on the priorities identified by the demand survey. However, prior to the demand survey, you are requested to identify several priority areas for content development as the pilot project. Please describe several areas of priority based upon your experience.---update
SubStep 2-5. Guidelines for Information Management
The Organizational Framework should describe the information management guidelines for all the municipal offices. Guidelines should start with the basic and simple tasks, such as document classification and management, to more advance information management policies, such as communication policies with the citizens, including the content management for the City Portal. ---update

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