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: What are the framework of 11 competencies in the World Class Commissioning? Case of Liverpool
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Company/Organization: What are the framework of 11 competencies in the World Class Commissioning? Case of Liverpool
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United Kingdom
Kensington, Liverpool
Please write about your business concept in five paragraphs with sub-title for each
Answer: Briefly describe the usefulness and uniqueness of your social venture Using the World Class Commissioning framework of 11 competencies the table on the next page was used for the key actions for Liverpool PCT and for the role of Public Mental Health specialists and partners in this field as eAgents for Changef within the local health economy (OfHara K, Stansfield J, Crowson T. 2008). This helps to clarify organisational, departmental and individual objectives in support of public mental health improvement. It recognises that World Class Commissioning is a collective endeavour and not a singular activity and as such is way of working that relates the parts to the whole.
1: Work with Community Partners
1: Issues to be addressed by this social venture (or case) 1 World class commissioners are recognised as the local leader of the NHS: Provide leadership for mental health improvement and build capabilities of colleagues and stakeholders.

2 World class commissioners work collaboratively with community partners to commission services that optimise health gains and reductions in health inequalities: Engage key partners in the Public Mental Health Strategy; integrate mental health promotion across other health & social care programmes e.g. improving mental health and well-being of people with physical illness and long-term conditions; ensure the needs of people with mental health problems are addressed within Tackling Health Inequalities strategies and programmes.

2: Work with the public, patients and clinicians
2: What is the unique idea to solve the issues? 3 World class commissioners proactively seek and build continuous and meaningful engagement with the public and patients, to shape services and improve health: Advise on and facilitate opportunities for meaningful engagement; support inclusion of people with mental health problems into engagement processes.

4 World class commissioners lead continuous and meaningful engagement with clinicians to inform strategy, and drive quality, service design, and resource utilisation: Facilitate clinical engagement and support service improvement in mental health promotion and in services attaining Care Quality Commission public health core standards.


3: Needs assessment and prioritise investment
3: Revenue Model & Organization 5 World class commissioners manage knowledge and undertake robust and regular needs assessments that establish a full understanding of current and future local health needs and requirements: Provide advice and expertise to designing and conducting JSNA that incorporates mental health; facilitate community needs assessment exercises.

6 World class commissioners prioritise investment according to local needs, service requirements and the values of the NHS: Develop, implement and monitor robust public mental health strategies, based on need and stakeholder ownership, that identify priorities for investment.

4: Stimulate market and promote innovation
4: Targeted Benefit & Outcome 7 World class commissioners effectively stimulate the market to meet demand and secure required clinical, and health and well-being outcomes: Build capacity and capability of providers of mental health improvement interventions; build knowledge and capability of third sector providers in evaluating service mental health outcomes.

8 World class commissioners promote and specify continuous improvements in quality and outcomes through clinical and provider innovation and configuration: Keep up-to-date with emerging good practice nationally and internationally; explore, develop and evaluate innovative and creative practice.

5: Ensure contract compliance and value for money
5: Strengths and Risks of the business model 9 World class commissioners effectively manage systems and work in partnership with providers to ensure contract compliance and continuous improvements in quality and outcome: Agree local mental health and well-being outcomes and indicators and methods for measurement.

10 World class commissioners make sound financial investments to ensure sustainable development and value for money: Develop sustainable practice and partnerships; keep abreast of emerging evidence based practice; build links with researchers and economists to identify, support and influence cost effective solutions

The Project Owner: Explain your experience and skills within 150 words.
Business_Partners: Describe what types of business partners are you seeking
Position1 (Investors):
Position2 (Management & Staff):
Position3 (Management & Staff):
Position4 (Professional Staff):
Position4 (Professional Staff):
Position6 (Outside Experts):
Business Partners can jointly develop a business plan