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illustrated by Kilkenny
Anxiety/ Sleeping Disorder(MEN7)

I often have difficulty in falling into asleep, or wake up early

A. CCS_Results
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How many percentage of people, in each generation has this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 1_Graf_Prev2021

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: What kind of changes in risk/resilience factors people may face in future, as the consequence of having this risk factor now? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 2_Consequences

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: What kind of risk factors people had in the past have caused the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 3_Causes

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: What kind of resilience factors people have help to overcome the impact this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 4_Resilience

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How have Consequences of this factor on future risks changed over Generation? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 5_Conseq_Risks_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How have Consequences of this factor on future resiliences changed over Generation? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 6_Conseq_Res_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How have Risk Factors which caused this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 7_Causes_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How have Resilience Factors to mitigate the impact of this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 8_Resilience_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How much have previous risk factors contributed to the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 9_Contribution_to_Risks
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: How much previous resilience factors have contributed to mitigated this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 10_Contribution to_Res
Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder: What are the impact of various public services to mitigate the impact of this risk factor? Service1: Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder, 11_Service_Impact

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016

B. Basic Facts
1. : : Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder,
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不安障害とは、不安感が中核症状である心理障害です。現在のDSM-IV-TR(アメリカ精神医学会の定めた精神障害に関する診断基準)では、「不安障害」の名称のもとに「パニック障害」「全般性不安障害」「恐怖症」「強迫性障害」「外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)「急性障害」などに分けられています。近年は神経生理学的研究に基づき、不安障害の発症には心理学的要因のみではなく生物学的要因も関連することが明らかになっています(下山晴彦編 2009『よくわかる臨床心理学』)
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
1. : : Anxiety/Sleeping Disorder,
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例えば、「適応障害」「社会不安障害」「パニック障害」「強迫性障害」などがあります(メディカルケア 虎ノ門)
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London

C. Services
1. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service1: Measures for Mental Health Problems,
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
2. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service2: Measures for Mental Health Problems,
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
3. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service3: Measures for Mental Health Problems,

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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
4. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service4: Measures for Mental Health Problems,
全国の精神保健福祉センターでは、覚醒剤・シンナー・薬物などの依存に対する正しい対処法について相談を行い、また、支援を行うためのプログラムを用意しています。 まず電話による予約が必要です。都道府県により、電話番号や相談時間が異なりますので、お住まいの住所で当ウェッブサイトに登録・ログインをし(無料)、このページの上部にある「このサービスを提供している施設」のリンクをクリックしてください。
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
5. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service5: Measures for Mental Health Problems,

  相談受付:月曜日から金曜日(祝日・年末年始を除く)         午前10時から午後4時まで(正午から午後1時を除く)         電話 058-276-0119



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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London
6. Measures for Mental Health Problems: Service6: Measures for Mental Health Problems,
全国で、毎年3万人を超える自殺者が出ています。自殺の多くは、心理的に「追い込まれた末の死」です。自殺に至る理由もひとつではなく、健康や経済、生活、家庭の問題、人間関係などいくつかの背景が重なっていると言われています。悩みごとは、問題が小さなうちに専門家などと相談し、心の負担を軽くすることが大切です。 市民の皆さんの悩みに耳を傾けるため、自治体や民間団体では次の相談窓口を開設しています。悩んでいる人は、まず相談をして見ましょう。
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in April London

D. Self_Help_Solutions