Creating Your Own Life
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Q-4 地場産業を育てる.

Q45-1. 商店街の賑わいを取り戻すための総合的取り組みを企画・運営
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-2. 事業承継の出し手と受け手を円滑の仲介する仕組み作り
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-3. 空き家を人々が寄り合う場作りに利用する試み
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-4. 最新のIT技術を使って地場産品を販売する
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-5. 里山の環境を保護し、林業振興と両立させる試み
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-6. 地元の野菜果物を収穫し、味わう農場・レストランの経営
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-7. 四季の自然を楽しみつつ山歩き川下りなどのスポーツができるコース
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-8. いくつかの街で共同し、地元の商店・料理店で使える商品券・カードを発行
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q45-9. ITを利用したリモートオフィスと快適な滞在施設を作り、都会のクリエーターを呼び込む
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service
Q45-10. 地域バス、共同利用タクシーなどの運用アプリを開発し地元の有志が運営
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service