Creating Your Own Life
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Q-3 子育てサービス必要度.

Q16-1. 出産から育児までの一貫サービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-2. 毎日の保育サービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-3. 急な用事の際の一時保育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-4. 子どもが病気の時の一時保育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-5. 夜間・休日などの延長保育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-6. 発達障害の早期発見と早期ケア
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-7. いじめにたいする予防教育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-8. 不登校児に対するフリースクール
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-9. 学童保育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-10. 小学校高学年の学童保育
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q16-11. 学習支援
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service
Q16-12. 子供に対する食事提供と集いの場
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service