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: High school completion and future youth unemployment: New evidence from high school and beyond
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Company/Organization: High school completion and future youth unemployment: New evidence from high school and beyond
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United States
Please write about your business concept in five paragraphs with sub-title for each
Answer: Briefly describe the usefulness and uniqueness of your social venture In this paper, I provide new evidence from High School and Beyond (HSB) on the effects of compulsory attendance on high school completion and future youth unemployment.
1: Methodologies
1: Issues to be addressed by this social venture (or case) I develop Bayesian estimation approaches to the simultaneous equation model with ordered probit and two-limit censored regression and the bivariate duration model, accounting for the heterogeneity in returns to education and the nonlinearity in the effects of compulsory attendance.
2: Compulsory Attandance reduces the inequality in education and employment
2: What is the unique idea to solve the issues? I find substantial variability in returns to education across schools and evidence of diminishing marginal effects of compulsory attendance on high school completion. The simulation results suggest that increasing the compulsory attendance age raises the probability of completing high school and reduces the proportion of time the individuals are unemployed. These effects are much more pronounced for disadvantaged students but less pronounced for advantaged students, suggesting the potential effects of compulsory attendance on reducing the inequality in education and employment.
3: Revenue Model & Organization
4: Targeted Benefit & Outcome
5: Strengths and Risks of the business model
The Project Owner: Explain your experience and skills within 150 words.
Business_Partners: Describe what types of business partners are you seeking
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Business Partners can jointly develop a business plan